Haere-Touch 4*50g Poraka horoi wharepaku

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Momo:poraka horoi wharepaku

Whakamahia:Rūma horoi, wharepaku


Āhuahira:Ka taea te tuku, te taumau, te penapena

Wāhi Taketake:Zhejiang, Haina

Ingoa Waitohu:Haere-pa

Tau tauira:08063

Tūemi:Poi wharepaku Kaihoroi o Haere-pa 4*50g Mirumiru puru(matomato ma) mirumiru Whakakore Hoaho

Tae:puru ma matomato

Kakara:paina lavender

Wā whiti:250-300 wā


Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Te kaha tuku
10000 Pieces ia Ra

Whakaahuatanga Hua
Haere-pa 4*50g poraka horoi wharepaku he puru ma, me te mirumiru matomato etc.

Ka taea e tenei kai horoi horoi kia 300 nga wa, he pai te horoi i roto i te tank, rim, pakitara o roto, paipa paipa me etahi atu waahanga o te wharepaku.

Ka taea hoki te kii he waipara mo te wharepaku, na te mea he Acute Sterilization Acute, penei i te whai hua ki te patu i nga huakita me nga iroriki o te wharepaku me te paipa paraka, te aukati i te huakita mai i te wharepaku me te parakaingi wharepaku ka pangia.

Haere-pa 4 * 50g poraka horoi wharepaku he whai hua i roto i te deodorization, me te pupuri hinu kakara tonu, purea te hau o te wharepaku

He hua korekore, kaore he kauri, he paitini ranei, me te whakamarumaru Taiao, na te mea kaore he phosphor me te kore he whakarewa taumaha.

poraka horoi wharepaku

Whakapaipai me te Tukunga

Kari Namu mo te Toilet Bowl Cleaner o Haere-pa 4*50g mirumiru puru Detergent Deodorizing.

ingoa hua Papa horoi wharepaku me te kakara mirumiru puru
Te takai Polybag, kāri namunamu, pouaka tae, etc
Te taumaha kupenga 50g/pc*4
Tae He puru, he matomato, he ma, he mea whakarite ranei
Te kakara lavender, paina kua whakaritea ranei
Wā whaimana 3 Tau
Whakamahia te Wahi Te ipu wharepaku, te kaukau, te wharepaku
MOQ 20000pcs
Hanga He oneone
Utu T/T, L/C,
Tauira Tauira kore utu
OEM&ODM Ka whakaaetia
Tauranga Ningbo shanghai yiwu etc

Nga korero a te Kamupene

• Taizhou HM BIO-TEC Co., Ltd mai 1993, kei roto i Taizhou pa, Zhejiang kawanatanga. Kei te tata mai i Shanghai, Yiwu me Ningbo .Kei a matou te tiwhikete "GMPC, ISO22716-2007, MSDS".

•E toru o matou raina hanga aerosol me te rua horoi aunoa i te raina whakaputa. Ko te nuinga o taatau e mahi ana: Raupapa Whakapaipai、Raarangi Kakara me te Whakakorea me te Huruhuru Huruhuru me te Raupapa Tangata penei i te hinu makawe, mousse, tae makawe me te shampoo maroke etc.

•Ko a matou hua ki te kaweake ki Amerika, Kanata, Aotearoa, South East Asia, Nigeria, Fiti, Ghana etc.

•He rite tonu ki to maatau tohu "haere-pa" me te "toobett" te tikanga, ka haere matou, ka whakamatau matou; ka piri tonu matou ki a koe, he pai ake ta matou mahi mo koe.




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  • Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou